Discussion paper response

Judy MacGregor
What is your full name?
Judy MacGregor
What is your postal code?
Do you support recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by changing the Constitution or making some other kind of legal change?
What should the change look like?
Important to understand the message sent to the government November or December 2016 THE REDFERN STATEMENT. That Aboriginal peoples wish to be taken more seriously than they are already.
Should we have a statement that acknowledges the First Peoples of Australia?
Yes. This should be in the Constitution.
Where is the best place to put it?
The Constitution
What should the statement say?
That Aboriginal peoples should be treated equally with other peoples to achieve the best outcomes in health, education, housing, property rights, family affairs.
Do you have any other comments on a statement about the First Peoples of Australia?
The United Nations Rapporteur has been in this country this March, 2017 and made reports on the poor conditions of imprisonment for young people, violence in the family and between men and women, and general poverty amongst aboriginal people.
Should the word 'race' be taken out of the Constitution?
Should the Australian Parliament keep the power to make special laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Do you have any ideas on what new words could be used to describe that power, or where in the Constitution to put the power?
Self determination.
Do you have any other comments on powers to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Elders and leaders should be respected and honoured to make decisions for their own peoples.
Do you think that a guarantee against racial discrimination should go into the Constitution?
Do you have any ideas about what words to use for that guarantee, or where in the Constitution to put it?
All people no matter what colour or language or religion are protected against racial discrimination, unless their race is harming the Australia.
Should the guarantee protect all Australians against racial discrimination, or only Indigenous Australians?
All Australians
Do you think Indigenous people should have a say when Parliament and government make laws and policies about Indigenous affairs?
Should a new Indigenous group be set up under the Constitution to give advice and make sure Indigenous people have a voice in political decisions that affect them?
Is it worth creating the new group if it can only give advice and does not have the power to block new laws?
Should we delete section 25?
What would we achieve by getting rid of section 25?
Do you have any other comments?
The United Nations raporteur comes back many times to Australia, to find the SAME conditions existing: imprisonment of young people, child removals violence in famiies, poverty, high suicide rates. gap of 17 years in the death rate between indigenous and
Are you making a submission on behalf of a person (such as yourself) or organisation?