Discussion paper response

Michael Boyd
What is your full name?
Michael Boyd
What is your postal code?
Do you support recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by changing the Constitution or making some other kind of legal change?
What should the change look like?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be recognised in the Preamble of the Constitution, acknowledging their prior presence and custodianship of the land and waters of Australia. The Australian Government should pursue a treaty or series o
Should we have a statement that acknowledges the First Peoples of Australia?
Yes. This should be in the Constitution.
Where is the best place to put it?
Both as part of the Preamble to the Constitution itself and as a new head of power
What should the statement say?
The Preamble to the Constitution should recognise the prior occupation and custodianship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and acknowledge their continuing relationship with traditional lands and waters.
Do you have any other comments on a statement about the First Peoples of Australia?
I'm not sure where to put this (in a treaty perhaps?) but acknowledgement must be made of policies and practices that had the intended or unintended result of destroying Indigenous peoples and their culture. If true reconciliation is to take place their
Should the word 'race' be taken out of the Constitution?
Should the Australian Parliament keep the power to make special laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Do you have any ideas on what new words could be used to describe that power, or where in the Constitution to put the power?
Words I would like to see used are restitution and reconciliation. Non-Indigenous Australians are indebted to the Indigenous peoples for our actions of genocide. Within twenty-seven years of the founding of Hobart in 1803, ninety per cent of the Indigeno
Do you think that a guarantee against racial discrimination should go into the Constitution?
Do you have any ideas about what words to use for that guarantee, or where in the Constitution to put it?
As per my last reply it needs to reflect our indebtedness to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Perhaps it should go in the section under a new head of power. Protection against racial discrimination is given to all Australians in other legisl
Should the guarantee protect all Australians against racial discrimination, or only Indigenous Australians?
Indigenous Australians only
If there is not enough support for a guarantee in the Constitution, what other things can we do to stop racial discrimination in national laws?
Ensuring effective Indigenous participation in laws and policies about Indigenous affairs. Government pursuing a Treaty or Treaties.
Do you think Indigenous people should have a say when Parliament and government make laws and policies about Indigenous affairs?
Should a new Indigenous group be set up under the Constitution to give advice and make sure Indigenous people have a voice in political decisions that affect them?
Is it worth creating the new group if it can only give advice and does not have the power to block new laws?
Do you have any ideas about what the new group would look like?
The group would have be elected or appointed by Indigenous peoples and not appointed by government.
Do you have any other comments on this Indigenous group?
This group should be free to determine whether a proposed law or policy affects Indigenous affairs or not and be free to have a say on any issue before Parliament. The group should have the power to propose legislation like a Private Member's Bill rather
Should we delete section 25?
What would we achieve by getting rid of section 25?
It is a public rejection of past racist policies.
Is there any point in keeping it?
Not at all. Retaining the Section implies the Government may want to use it in the future. It hints at a fear of Indigenous voting power, espcially in places like NT. It's reminiscent of South Africa.
Do you have any other comments?
It is essential that we do whatever it takes as a nation to redress the crimes and evil of the past and to ensure true reconciliation. We cannot prosper as a nation if we continue to wilfully ignore the past nor the present inequalities.
Are you making a submission on behalf of a person (such as yourself) or organisation?